Pandemic Recovery Messaging

March 2020 Recovery Messaging for Experience Columbia SC tourism bureau that targeted locals through social media, advertising and an email campaign to hospitality partners and local stakeholders.

All leads were directed back to the website which contained up-to-date resources on restaurant and attractions openings/closings and restricted hours, as well as local ordinances that could affect visitation to these places.

The goal was to keep locals and visitors informed, and provide hope by resonating the personality of the brand.

I suggested the verbiage "Sure we've got grits, but we also have grit" to speak to the determination and resilience of the city during this time. I designed the website headers, which were used in several places on social media and digital signage. I designed the ads as well.


Local Insiders Video - Flatten the Curve

Pandemic Recovery Advertising

In May 2020, the campaign messaging evolved into "Real___. Real Soon", with more specific visuals of people enjoying drinks, visiting attractions like Riverbanks Zoo and Congaree National Park, kayaking on the river, etc.

This was targeted to locals, and our primary audience of meeting and sports event planners, who typically plan events years in advance. The goal was to stay top-of-mind and keep them informed on when we would be able to hold events again in Columbia SC.

"We Are Open" signs were created for our restaurant partners and shared in the weekly e-newsletter to keep our partners informed of how we were still getting the message out to bring in future meetings and leisure business.


Biodegradable Trimmer Line Packaging Design